Fresh Without Seasoning

Here I Am


So, here I am in 2021.

I am finally looking at the years of trauma and conflict.

All of it sealed away in a pandora’s box of horrors.

All of it is pounding and scratching at me to get me to notice.

I am ready—I think.

To open my heart and allow it to heal.

I have selectively edited a whole decade of injury and sorrow.

Pretending and convincing

my entire being that those times were only a bad dream.

Solitude and time play the re-runs we don’t want to remember.

There is work to be done, forgiveness to be given, and healing

to begin. 

 Have We Met Before?


Ah, it seems to me I’ve been here before.

Even I can learn from old challenges.





Just when  I’m obliviously thinking

I have learned

the “this” or “that” pops up,

and proves me wrong.

Maybe this time I will learn the entire lesson?

At the same time,

the one lesson I am learning

is that the most significant revelation,

I am only human, and I make mistakes,

but I am forgiven.

Invisible and Silent


Healing of any kind takes time.

In that time, there are lessons

we never knew existed.

Let the minutes, the hours, and the days

lead you through.

Allow the healing.

Set aside time.

Open your heart, feel the healing.

It begins from the inside.

Invisible at first.

Silently it reveals

the healed spaces and places.




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