Sit With Me and Have Some Tea

As I listened to our new Transitional Minister speaking through Zoom this morning, I thought, “Wow, I was just thinking about this yesterday!”  The fear we have experienced and still are experiencing makes us want to run away or hide.

Yesterday, I was reading something I first read a couple of years ago.  I was reading the book,
“The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred” by Christine Valters Paintner.  We are to welcome all parts of our selves (no matter how much we don’t like it) with love and open arms.  Christine begins:

“One of my favorite lines from the Rule of Benedict is, “All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”  The heart of hospitality is to welcome in that which is most unknown, most strange, most discomforting, as the very face of the divine into our lives.”

On this day, when we have all experienced discomfort and still are in many ways, let us welcome that stranger in, sit with that uncomfortable stranger (fear).  Embrace the fear with open arms, hospitality, and love.  Then send concern away, choosing love to replace the fear.

The Shift From Fear to Love

Love conquers fear
as the ego succumbs
to the power of the soul.
Our hearts open to the awareness of spirit.
Allowing love and acceptance
to re-write our story.
We are choosing what we have forgotten.
We are stepping closer to God.
We have awakened our soul.


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