Minute Memories


As much as I am working at slowing my life down and reducing clutter in my surroundings and mind, I see minutes and seconds speeding by.  I don’t want to let them go so quickly.  I wasted so much time in my life wanting to be at the next hour, the next day, the following year! 

When you are young, you want to be older, and then as you have children, you look forward to the next milestone.  I did the same thing, and I’m sure everyone does.  But if there is one thing I can impart to all of you wishing your life away each time you want the next moment to come, those times become memories in a breath.  You will never experience them again in real-time.

I believe I squandered so much of my life in wishing moments away—moments with my parents and brother, and indeed, moments with my sons.  I slowed down some with my grandchildren because I began to notice they were growing up faster, it seemed, than I wanted.  By the time Corbin came into our lives, I was on a race track daily with work and all those “adult” necessities. 

When I retired, and I began my time with Corbin, my reality became mindfulness with him. Each moment became the most critical moment.  He was unable to transition to another moment without reminders and gentle moving forward.  In turn, this taught me that my life must slow down to accommodate his needs.  Those revelations made me more patient and indeed an insightful person. As I have said many times, “Corbin was my teacher and helped me be a better person.”

One of the essential guidances I have tried to give to Corbin is, “learn something new every day.”  (He reminds me of this, often!  “Nana, we learned something new today!”)  When you zoom through life, you can lose something precious.


Cherish each moment as if it were the last.  You will be surprised at what “new thing” you will learn.



Minute Memories


Our minutes zoom by this year,

and particularly last year.

(Zoom has a new meaning now)

In desperation, I  hold on to each moment

until I realize the very second is gone.

What I have is only a memory.


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