There Is No Finish Line



Mike Dooley,  at TUT, caught my attention on Friday with this, “There are no finish lines in life, yet perpetually seeking them, in terms of the quick fix, the big win, or a home run serves only to remind you of what’s missing, reinforcing the imagined lack…..

It only seems to take a long time when you’re looking for a finish line.”

Our world today throws competition at us at every turn on our path and, we all, at some point, think in terms of “finish lines, you beat me, I beat you, and I beat me—my goal.”  And, with every “defeat,” we beat ourselves up emotionally! 

Life is a spiraling path with no finish line.  If you continually look for that proverbial finish line, you will never be happy or satisfied with who you are, where you are, or what you’re doing. 

Instead of struggling and searching for the finish line, enjoy the passage,  and realize this path is for learning and changing and evolving.  Because we are never “finished,” and there are no finish lines or failures, only lessons. Each backtrack or round-about can bring a new purpose and deeper understanding.  It's not a failure.

More Than One Purpose

 Amid transformation,

our soul’s purpose will

change evolve and spiral.

We can surrender again,

visiting places and spaces that have more,

more we did not understand before.

It’s not a failure; it’s merely a journey,

turning and changing.

Always taking us back to the mystery,

a new beginning, a new purpose,

rising us up to a newness

Only God can give.



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