Do You Know How Love Feels?


A hundred years ago, or so it seems, a cousin asked me, “Do you know how love feels?”

I immediately answered yes because my recent engagement had just ended.   My 18-year-old sad and romantic self thought love was breathless touches and dreams of weddings and “I love you” and flowers and tears.

 I asked myself today the same question.  Do I know how love feels?

 I Do Now!

 Love is:

 I watched my dad teach my sons how to work on cars.

 My sons gave a card when they were very young teens for Mother’s Day that I still have.   It said, “Mom, you deserve better than this.  We love you.”

 The memories of a husband who never drank coffee, but always brought me a cup in the morning. 

 A yellow rose bush planted by my husband and the first roses picked and given to me every year just because I love yellow roses.

 Sitting on the unfinished floor in front of our fireplace and watching my husband and sons complete our new house.

 The first grandchild saying, Nana.  A great-grandchild saying, Nanny.

 I made five Princess costumes for Halloween long ago, and I watched five granddaughters transform into princesses.

 Walking with granddaughters and looking up at the sky. The trees above formed a perfect heart with the light shining in the center of the heart.

 When I retired early to care for Corbin, I helped his mom and dad as much as I could while they worked.

 Making Christmas cookies and watching my granddaughters artistically decorate the cookies.

 Making sure there were always peppermint candy canes on the Christmas tree.

 I  always had favorite things to eat for a granddaughter who had lunch with me every day. 

 Every Friday, having tea, cookies, and conversation with my grandson.

 I could go on and on and on!  Yes, I do know what love is and how love feels.  I would tell that cousin today to open his eyes, ears, and especially his heart to every moment.  Because every moment, every second has love and it is real.


Love Is


At 18, love was

breathless touches

and dreams of weddings.

At 70, love is


of coffee served  by a husband

who never drank coffee.

Dark chocolate candy

saved just for me.

Seeing the glory of God

walking with granddaughters.

Tea, cookies, and conversation

with a grandson.

Watching an older couple

show their love for each other,

and remembering I have been

blessed with that same kind of love.

The blessing that ensures my heart knows

what love really is.



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