See the Light, Be the Light

When I decided on the poem “The Light Revealed,” to introduce on today’s blog, I realized how appropriate it is for today. This place and time, for all of us, during this chaos called 2020.

The poem is about grief and about finding the light within while wading through the darkness.  We are all doing exactly that today because of the chaos, the changes, the loss of normalcy, and the comfortable lives we were living. 

That is what happens when a loved one dies.  We must open up places within ourselves; we have either ignored or hidden away.  So as it is today, we tread through unfamiliar territory in the world and within ourselves.

We cannot flee from grief or the chaos within our existence today.  There are no temporary solutions that will bring the light, only the journey through the darkness and bringing the outlook from our spirits for us to use and give to the world. 

Allow the light to break through the shadows with the revelation that our light is the only answer. 

The Light Revealed

 Grief opens doors within us,

closed and sometimes locked.

It reminds us of compassion and forgiveness

that is hidden.

We so often flee from grief,

Because, in it, we are facing,

more than loss,

we must face ourselves.

Noise and numbness are a temporary fix.

When we look inside the shadowed glass of the dark silence,

Only then can we see the light.





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