I Am Thankful For?

This time of year, the words “Thankful” and “Grateful” pop up in everyone’s mind.  It’s Thanksgiving time, and that word makes us think of what we are thankful for.

All the usual, top of the list things we are grateful for is our families, our homes, our health, etc.  Is there something beyond that?

I always think immediately of how thankful I am for my family and my health.  Those are obvious, but I was thinking yesterday as I held my great-grandson, how grateful I was to be holding him on my lap and kissing his face! The simple act of love made my day complete. 

I was tired because I had not slept well, and he is a bundle of joy and lots of energy, and I was anticipating being so tired!  But, I wasn’t tired, the human to human, loving contact energized me. 
 Kissing his little face made me realize that gratitude is more about seeing and feeling the love of God in the tiny things we all take for granted.  And, all those tiny little things come together to mean, “I am grateful for my family.”

I searched for a poem I had written about gratitude last night.  I wrote it in 2017, revised it, and it will always say what I feel.  I am forever grateful for what God’s love is. 

Each loss,
each warm snuggle,
each familiar voice,
each stumble,
each drop of rain,
each speck of dust,
has led me here.
To the grateful understanding,
joyful grace.
and everlasting love
of God.
I have peace within my soul.


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