I Listen to a Walking Encyclopedia

I have listed many times what I have learned from caring for Corbin. One big whopping lesson is to be present!  Totally present.

When he was very young I had to pay attention to much more than words, so we could communicate. He may have had the words in his brain, but there was glitch that would keep the right words to come forth.  So, I developed over the years how to know what he was saying by other cues.

But, I had to be watchful, attentive and I had to be present.  There couldn’t be computers, tv, phones, cooking, cleaning to disrupt the connection.  These are disruptions for all kids and adults from connecting.

Fast forward to age 13 and his encyclopedic knowledge of Professional Wrestling is astounding.  We have, a probable 8 hours per day, engagement of thousands of facts and stories and matches.  I must be present.  I must learn and acknowledge his lectures and rhetoric.  How else can I engage in regular conversation when he quizzes me on what he told me a week ago?  “Oh, Nana, you know that!  Remember last week I told you….” 

I must be present.  I must grab the opportunities to ask and answer questions about his life and mine.  Thereby, teaching him “real” conversation. He may sit in the kitchen for our conversation or sit on the arm of my chair.  But, I’m there—in the whole— (without eyes darting to catch my phone or whatever). I’m totally in the present moment with Corbin, and there is no better place to be.

Why, Nana?

Have you ever had long hair, Nana?
“Only twice.”
Why do you like short hair, Nana?
“It’s easy to take care of, and it’s who I am.”
Why do you like your hair gray, Nana?
“It shows I’ve lived and learned.”
Why don’t you eat meat, Nana?
“I never liked meat that much, and I like veggies better.”
Why don’t you go to my church, Nana?
“God is everywhere, Corbin, not just in your church.”
Why do you knit, Nana?
“Because I love everyone I knit for.”
“Any more questions, Corbin?”
Yeah, do you feel old, Nana?
“No, Corbin, especially when I’m with you.”


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