As I Give Praise

The monthly class I am in, The Artistic Life, we use as a guidebook, The Artists Rule, Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom, by Christine Valters Paintner.  Whew, that’s a mouthful!  Originally it was written to use as a study over a 12-week journey.  We are using it for 12 months.  

The chapter I’m been working on, Nature as Source of Revelation and Inspiration has what is called a Lectio Divina and this chapter it is Psalm 104.  As the author says, Psalm 104 is a celebration of the glories of creation, and we are asked to write our own psalm of praise for our poetry writing exploration.

Pre-dawn is so quiet until the very first glimmer of light.  It happens almost every morning just as the sky is changing to a softer, lighter blue, the birds begin their songs of praise to who created them and whom they are grateful.  As the light becomes purple, then pink, then orange and yellow, the songs fade.  Their praise for God has opened another day.

I show a picture of a cardinal (my favorite bird) because if you have ever heard them sing, sometimes it sounds like they are singing, "Pretty"  especially early in the morning.

I don’t mind sharing my writing exploration!  I think everyone can relate to God’s sweet song bird.

I Praise

I am God’s sweet song bird,
I wait for streaks of light to arrive in the sky,
So that I may lift my voice and glorify God.
Briefly, quickly, and without abandon I sing.
I then retreat with the brightness,
Fearful of being seen.
The high branches of trees and their lush leaves hide me,
Protect me from harm.
I offer glimpses, a twinge of color and a brief flutter.
I do not want to disturb or attract attention.
I am God’s sweet song bird.
I give praise and glory to my source.


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