Hello, 2016

A "moving" Moment....

I awoke with a new perspective and I think sometimes we all need that extra push to move into the direction we are contemplating and praying about.  We allow fear, too often, to railroad us into simply moving forward without faith.  Last night at church as we released what needed to be released and received so much more, I realized what was hanging around in my heart.  Anger, resentment, hurt,  "un"forgiveness  was lingering and popping up in my heart and my mind way too often.  I did the mouth service of forgiveness to the people who had devastated and turned my life up-side-down, but that was not my spirit forgiving.  That was merely my mouth.  I speak and think of gratitude frequently, but what I did not see was there also must be gratitude for those very problems from my past and those people.  Just this week, I struggled with forgiving and loving a person who hurts someone I love---often.  Today I know I am grateful that person has been in my life because some of my loved ones would not be here today without that person.  I still do not like my loved one being hurt, I never will, but I can finally see the person who God loves and I love may have actions that are not good.  Love the person, not the deed.

Making Space

I visited a room in my heart last night,

Cluttered with anger and fear from so long ago.

My vision was blurred with the residue of resentment.

I must clean

I must rearrange this room.

I prayed and my answer was clear.

Make room for the love and peace I am providing,

As you forgive and surrender.

PAWade 2016




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