
Not the kind for hunting!

It is so easy to take a simple task that has some minuses involved  and camouflage them as major hurdles in your life!  The simple task of taking my sweet Butterscotch outside to potty began to overpower my mind with thoughts of dread and bother during this cold spell.  I allowed that to happen because I knew when I moved here in the spring, this simple task would become a cold one in the winter.  I prepared myself with mittens, a good coat, boots and finally some long warm undies.  Up until this point, I actually enjoyed taking Butterscotch outside between 5 and 6 every morning, and then at various times during the day.  I could begin my day looking at God's wondrous work and then later get my exercise.  My thoughts began to change to negative and wearisome, not grateful or loving. I decided to change that thought pattern and bring myself back to the gratitude of a very blessed life.  God also provides the cold, the clouds, the rain, the snow, just as he provides a clear sky, stars and a still glorious morning, each a blessing from God. 


Peace and Love

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