Hope to Despair and back again.....

Hope then despair and back again....

I sense flickers of light.
Barely there, but increasing with time.
Slowly and sometimes with effort,
The pinpoint ray of hope and peace
Penetrates my spirit and soothes my heart.
Returning me to the person of long ago and
Promising a new beginning.
PA Wade

Grieving the Future
I grieve for losses
Without death.
I grieve for time
That is no longer mine.
I grieve for loneliness
of the heart.
I grieve for the days and hours
I won’t see you.
I grieve for the laughter
You bring to me….
Every day.
I grieve for the part of me torn away
Sooner than I expected.
Leaving me
Without any days to look forward to
Or hours to spend giving you a part of my soul.
My mind knows you will be near
But my heart is empty and longing
For the next time we are together.
P A Wade



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