Thank You Maya Angelou

. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

I don't know of anyone who has heard or read Maya Angelou, who didn't feel.   She brought our feelings about ourselves and about humanity to the surface.  Sometimes it was scary, sometimes it was enlightening, and sometimes we felt pain, but we felt. We allowed ourselves to open our hearts, reach our hands out to God and receive a blessing. 

I can't forget what she accomplished and I certainly can't forget what she said in all of her writings and teachings and words of wisdom, but I certainly will never forget how she made me feel when I read or heard her words.

She may be gone physically from this earth, but she will never stop making us feel because of her words....her lovely, inspiring, critical words we are blessed with for all eternity.

Thank you, Maya Angelou for your words and for your love and inspiration.  You spoke from your spirit and I understand how hard that is to do. 


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